Chile Partnership

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Chile Partnership 

In 2015, the ND District convention body voted to support the Maule Region of

the ILC-Chile. Rev. Omar Kinas’ support has enabled the church in this

area to grow. Talca was the only congregation to start, but now the growth has included

the start of a congregation in Constitucion and most recently, Concepcion. In

2019, Talca’s congregation was able to build and dedicate the Lamb Of

God church building.

Slideshow about the LCMS ND District and chile

Click to watch

from the ilc-chile website

• The ILC-Chile is an Ecclesiastical Body, called “Confessional Lutheran

Church of Chile”. Mission since 1954 and created, as a legal figure, by local

congregations in 1992. The church has communities in Santiago, Valparaíso,

Viña del Mar, Talca and Constitución. It supports the congregational system,

where the government is established by the Word of God. Congregations (true

local Churches) are grouped together with the purpose of supporting and

encouraging each other to be instruments in God’s Mission: saving sinful

human beings.

• The Ecclesiastical Body is recognized by the Chilean state as a Church of

Public Law, registered with No. 00036.

• (According to the Marks of the Church developed by Martin Luther) It is the

Church of Jesus Christ, because in the congregations: 1) the Word of God is

confessed, taught, and preached according to sound teaching (Is 55.1; Mt

13.32; Ro 1.16; 1 Tim 4.5; 1 Pe 2.9); 2) the sacrament of Baptism and the

Lord’s Table (Holy Supper) are administered according to biblical teachings

(Tit 3.5; 1 Cor 11.23-34); 3) the Office of the Keys is administered according to

the power that Christ has bequeathed, to absolve the penitents and to retain

the impenitent (Mt 18.17ff.); 4) Pastors are called and ordained to officiate in

the Ministry of the Word (Eph 4:11; 1 Tim 3.2; Tit 1.6; 1 Cor 14.34; 1 Pet 3.7); 5)

meets in weekly Eucharistic services (Ps 22:22; 95; 1 Tim 4:5); 6) one has the

daily cross and assumes it according to the strength that the Word provides

(Mt 5.11-12; 10.38; Ro 5.3-4; 1 Pet 4.12).

• It is Evangelical because the Gospel (the Good News) is proclaimed, which is

the work of Grace, Salvation and Forgiveness of sins, made by God in Christ

for everyone who believes (Mt 24.14; Lk 2.10-11; Ro 1.16 -17; 1 Cor 1.17; 15.1-

2; Gal 1.8-9).

• Likewise, as it is Lutheran, a name that comes from the pastor and

theologian Martin Luther (16th century), who returned the Scriptures to their

rightful place in the Church through the process of the Reformation. The name

corresponds to the identity based on the biblical-practical doctrine discovered

by Luther (Ps 46; Ro 3.19-28; 2 Tim 2.8-13).

• It is also a Missional Church, assuming the commission of our Lord Jesus

Christ: “Go throughout the world and announce this message of salvation” Mr

16:15. This means that all things that are done are in accordance with this

perspective: Witnessing and announcing to the sinner the message of

salvation of Jesus Christ.

• And it is Confessional, since the Book of Concord of 1580 is held in “quia”

form (a Latin word that means “because” it is in accordance with the Word of

God) as the faithful exposition of the Word of God and as a “norm.” normata”

(the Confessions are norma normata, a guiding principle that is dominated by

another principle, that is, the Scriptures themselves).

The ILC-Chile responds to the mandate of making disciples in the country. The

goal of ILC established by Jesus Christ when he said: “Make disciples,

baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Mt 28).